Public Award - Official Competition winning film
A small gang who likes to film radicalized political video content discover that a beaver living on their small piece of land has built an enormous dam that could flood them anytime. Something to give them many ideas for their next revolutionary coup d'éclat.
Production :
Art et Essai
Distribution :
Welcome Aboard
Contact :
Music :
Marc-Antoine Barbier
Sound designer :
Les copains du son
Screenplay :
Jean-Martin Gagnon, Guillaume Harvey and Simon Landry-Désy
Cast :
Victor Choinière-Champigny, Alice Moreault and Mounia Zahzam
Editing :
Valérie Tremblay
Cinematographer :
Philémon Crête
Artistic direction :
Alex Guèvremont
In competition for :
Public Award - Parallel Competition
Shoot No Matter What Award
Other films / Shoot No Matter What 2