Saguenay international
short film festival


Philippe Belley Award winning film offered my the Cégep de Chicoutimi and La Bande Sonimage

Sumber Tides is a cry from the species, a surge of survival in the face of the elements. A last breath of life before being swept away by the Earth, or perhaps conversely, a fight to hold on against all odds before extinction.

Production :
Distribution :
N / a and N/ a
Contact :
Music :
Arnaud Hug
Screenplay :
Chantal Caron
Cast :
Léa Lavoie -Gauthier, Marie-Maude Michaud and Geneviève Robitaille
Editing :
Mirenda Ouellet
Cinematographer :
Jonathan Champagne (droniste), Jean-Philippe Cloutier and Richard Saint-Pierre
Artistic direction :
Chantal Caron

In competition for :

Philippe Belley award

Audience award Focus competition

  • Chantal Caron

    If Chantal Caron has always been inspired by the river, the birds and the energy of nature’s elements, her signature has become clearer with years. Sensitive and aware of the richness and preciousness of the St. Lawrence River, on whose shores she lives, Ms. Caron, choreographer and artistic director of Fleuve | Espace danse, has developed a speciality for outdoor choreography, using daylight and the magnificence of nature as a backdrop. In 2018, she was appointed a member of the Order of Canada for “her artistic creations highlighting natural heritage and her contribution to the development of the next generation of dancers.” He dance short films Glace, Crevasse et Dérive, Clémentine et Prendre le Nord, where dancers perform in the snow, on the shores, in the water and even on drifting ice, have been selected by many international film festivals and have won many major awards since 2014. Her commitment to the environment and her region’s community have also earned her the title of Ambassador of the St. Lawrence River, awarded by the David Suzuki Foundation, and a nomination for the Chaudières-Appalaches Arts and Culture Personality of the Year Award in 2021, as well as for the CALQ Artist of the Year Award in 2022.